Wondering when this was going to hit the news on this site. I`ll state my opinion now. A ban on gillnets in the LCR is a good thing, unfortunately CCA has an alternative for the commercials. Fishing methods that were outlawed in the past because they were too effective, seines, wheels, etc. While these methods will greatly reduce their impacts on wild fish it will not be a good deal for us {sport fishermen}, as it will give them a MUCH longer season and more hatchery fish {our keepers} bonked before we get a chance at them. As for the tribal fishermen I believe many of you don`t understand the intent of the treaty tribes on the Columbia river. They`re interested in FISH, not some government regs saying how many, what kind, etc. Any of you fish the Wind River while the tribes were in control of the hatchery know what I`m talking about. They milked every springer that came into the hatchery, when the rearing ponds got too full they dipped smolts out and threw them in the creek. WDFW can only do so much with the way they`re regulated/governed, but they could do a lot better, these guys do know how to raise fish but they`re not allowed to. I believe that if the tribes were in control of some of our LCR hatcheries we would see an immediate benefit in the amount of hatchery fish available. I don`t know what this would do to the wild runs but since we started down this road with hatcheries I see no turning back now. That is unless about 3/4 of us decide to quite fishing, and the others go to C&R of the few remaining wild stocks left. Bill