Originally Posted By: Somethingsmellsf
I understand that releasing more of the ESA listed fish will provide for a longer season as the FEDS won't have to close it down and what sportsman wouldn't want more fish, we just differ on how to get there.

In truth, with spring chinook, which so much of this controversy revolves around, the "catch balancing" provisions with the above-Bonneville Tribes as stipulated in the current US-v-Oregon agreement will be the limiting factor. NOT the FEDS "closing it down".

Without a cap on commercial harvest, low-impact alternatives move a greater percentage of a fixed harvest amount over to the commercial side. There is no "surplus" for us to draw additional spring chinook from when we're talking about springers destined for above-Bonneville.

This initiative, as written, will not provide additional sport opportunity. Period.

I wish I were wrong, but the facts say otherwise.

Additionally, all anglers and CCA members in particular ought to be asking about those $2 Oregon license surcharges. Those surcharges now fund pro-fishing activities. What projects/programs will have to be axed if this initiative passes and those surcharges are re-directed to subsidizing the commercial gillnetters?

Like I said earlier, there are much better solutions.