Originally Posted By: extremesteelhead
Originally Posted By: Illahee
Your other forte is saying"they are both the same".

Well they are both the same. Read Nietzsche's Three Metamorphoses, outlined in the book Thus Spoke Zarathustra.

The first morphos is the Camel. The people who take on the burdens of everyone else's belief systems, ideologies, religions, philosophies and believe that because X or Y says something, it must be true or valid.

Your typical extremist (either right or left) is the second morphos, the Lion - they know what they reject, often violently so, and have no acceptance that there might be some valid reason as to why the other side is how they are. They would rather tear everything to pieces in the battle to create the world according to their own will, even though the will of reality dictates that as much as they fight, they will never win.

The third morphos are the truly enlightened, the Child personality. These are the people who forget about battling forces that are beyond their control and instead work towards making their reality - what they can control - the best it can be.

If life was a game, the Camel would be the NPC, reacting to what players do and nothing else; the Lion would be the griefer who just exists to make life miserable for other players, and the Child would be the one who concentrates on trying to finish the game.

Nietzsche's point was all about creating your own morality regardless of outside forces like religion and ideology. Since you are still concerned about battling your "targets", you haven't fully freed yourself from their influence. Both sides are the same, they are the greifer who just makes the game miserable for everyone else who instead of trying to win points against the other team, is trying to win the game of life.

So yeah they are both the same but you're such a fvcking moron you don't even notice.

You clearly are the child, because you can’t help but get gut hooked by BlueFrank’s trolling...

It is so funny to me that Conservitards get so worked up so easily around here and yet call libtards snowflakes or closed minded while they are writing novel length responses to stupid posts on a stupid message board.

I appreciate your in depth wordy responses extremeheadgiver, your energy level is impressive, but even a dumb a$$ like me knows you aren’t as smart as you think you are.
Maybe he's born with it.

Maybe it's amphetamines.