Originally Posted By: ondarvr
Originally Posted By: Snake Pliskin
In case you missed it....Governor Dimslee just did an awesome display of talking out of both sides of his mouth at the same time in a press conference. Some highlights..."Listen, this vaccine works!" Followed by "but you can still get the virus if you have been vaccinated". Then, "the vaccine is incredibly effective, incredibly effective!" Followed by "even if you have been vaccinated, you must wear a mask indoors in certain situations".
If it's so effective and works so well, then why keep wearing masks if you've been vaccinated? Oh, maybe because of the breakthrough cases, including deaths? I guess injecting your body with a non-FDA approved substance isn't really that effective.
Get ready for vaccine requirements at work. Keep drinking that Kool-Aid.


It appears you didn't pay attention to what's being said by the experts in the field

Try doing doing a little research, nothing new in what he said, and this has been the message from almost day one of the vaccines.

Just a hint,, Fox News, Newsmax and OAN are not considered reliable sources of data or facts.

No defence of Inslee, he's not my top pick for anything.

This isn’t the vaccine thread I am aware of that.

But c’mon ondrvr, you were telling everyone the correct way to live (mostly shelter in place and mask always) while you were galavanting all over the inter mountain west.

Do as I say not as I do.
Mods = hall monitors