the best way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time And this one I`ve heard alot lately too. The best way to eat an elephant is to share with the entire tribe. Heck there`s like 100 gillnetters or so. There`s thousands of us in this tribe, why bend and give them a share of the elephant when we plant the grass to feed it. They`ve had the best parts of the beast for far too long now and what did we get out of it? There`s no denying the benefits that sport angling has on our economy vs. commercial, old argument, gone over many times. Why does WDFW and ODFW bend over to give these few the heart and liver and leave us the guts? Where`s the precidence for retooling an industry that provides so little? Why do we have to fund retooling them?, any other industry except the government or state passes these costs on to consumers. Ya lots of questions but I think someone should be asking them and more, instead of blindly following over the cliff. Bill