I'm continually amazed by the clear fact that so many folks can't, or won't grasp the most fundamental and basic tenets of how fishing seasons on the LCR, especially for spring Chinook, are set.

They are not set...ever...by the amount of hatchery fish harvested by a user group.

They are set...always...by the amount of wild fish killed by a user group.


Your allotted impact gives you 500 ESA fish to kill...4 to one hatchery fish to wild fish in the mixed stock...

50% release mortality in your fishery? Bonk 4000 hatchery fish, release 1000 wild fish, kill 500 wild fish.

25% release mortality in your fishery? Bonk 8000 hatchery fish, release 2000 wild fish, kill 500 wild fish.

5% release mortality in your fishery? Bonk 40,000 hatchery fish, release 10,000 wild fish, kill 500 wild fish.

The ONLY variable that changes relative to release mortality is how many hatchery fish you kill...the amount of ESA wild spring Chinook stays constant.

This is not rocket science, nor is it quantum mechanics...it's very, very simple algebra, combined with a very, very basic understanding of how fisheries work under the ESA.

Fish on...


Team Flying Super Ditch Pickle