I'm not buying the "It's not my job" stance from CCA. They had a chance to act on behalf of their membership, a vast majority who are fishermen. The snowmobiler's also had the same opprtunity.

Full disclosure?

1. I have many interests Marsha. Hunting, fishing and being a dad and husband. I also affect major change in my community. Much more so than the average Joe who just writes a check and lets others do the heavy lifting.

I headed on a campaign for the remodel of a school in my community where many attempts had been made to try and pass it, and they failed. My campaign succeeded.

I got on the school board, noticed that a neighboring school district literally had a square mile island smack dab in the middle of our district, part of it in our city limits. I worked with others and we got that island incorporated back into our school district. Others had tried before, but failed.

I got the Wynoochee diversion dam access opened back up when a neghbor to the City of Aberdeen property placed an illegal well on City of Aberdeen land, and then complained enough to have them shut it down.

I got a law changed, with the help of others, that made it so that folks who legally own suppressors (silencers) in Washington State can actually use them. That law goes into effect in 30 days. Ownership was legal, use was not.

I, along with others, held commissioner Jenning's feet to the fire throughout his confirmation hearing process, even bringing down a Makah tribal council member to testify at his hearing. Who was your guest at that hearing? I gave public testimony a total of 4 times at different meetings against Jenning's pet project in Neah Bay.

I get involved, roll my sleeves up, and I GET SH!T DONE. I also work with EVERYBODY. Tribes, fishermen (commercial and recreational), hunters, shooters and I am not afraid to say their sh!t stinks when it does. I also never say that anything "Isn't my job."

List your accomplishments over the past 5 years, please.

2. I don't like commercial gillnetting one bit. I wish the activity was gone from our waters. I don't buy commercially caught fish, haven't since 1986. I don't like the way the hake and pollock fisheries rape our oceans. I don't support Puget Sound commercial crabbers. I bank commercial long liners, crabbers, shrimp fishermen, charterboats, and a few folks with commercial troll permits. Without exception, these activites take place in the Ocean, not in the Puget Sound.

I can't change Quinault fishing habits, neither can you. I fish as a guest of a Quinault member once per year, sometimes twice per year, on one or two of their rivers. The only thing I've paid to do on the Quinault Res in the past 7 or 8 years was buy my father-in-law a bear hunt. I did pay for two guided trips on the Quinalt Nation in the past 10 or 12 years.

3. Give Brian a call. Ask him if I haven't blasted him a time or two on his stance on more than one item. If you think I fall all over myself to blow him, you are sadly mistaken. Legislation reinstating a 14 year old hunting age limit, reform on foreclosures, reinstating B&O tax on mortgage interest, and many others are bills that I was against, and Brian was for. There is no secret love affair. Brian was also helpful in reigning in Jennings. I am not anybody's schill.

Go on telling yourself, "It wasn't their job". I'll spend my money on the discovery pass, and not on CCA. I wish them luck.

Thanks for trying to out me as the piece of crap that I am.
"Give me the anger, fish! Give me the anger!"

They call me POODLE SMOLT!

The Discover Pass is brought to you by your friends at the CCA.