I take the time to answer, very specifically, and you don't. That shows that you know you are wrong Marsha. If you had anything of any substance, you would have a rebuttal. So instead, you run. Saying something that isn't true "is true", doesn't make it so.

Why didn't I testify on what? Be specific.

I testified on area 4 A/B numerous times, but at Jenning's confirmation hearing the members of the senate hearing didn't allow anybody to testify. Hargrove, who lead the meeting for Jacobsen who was out ill. He did read from my notes though, and that provided the body of his comments, so I did get my licks in.

I went to tesify for the suppressor legislation, but Kline limited testimony to one person form our group, so we chose someone from the industry to do it.

If it is the Discovery Pass legislation you are talking about, I wasn't aware of the issue at that time. Wish I would have known. I would have made time to be there. I expect organizations to look out for me, and in my opinion, the CCA did not do that.

See Marsha, specific answers, it is pretty easy when you speak the truth. I don't have a thing to hide. You do, as do the other CCA apologists.
"Give me the anger, fish! Give me the anger!"

They call me POODLE SMOLT!

The Discover Pass is brought to you by your friends at the CCA.