Marsha, you are wrong on so many points. (Out of respect for you, I won't use my reply from Dan Akroyd to Jane Curtain on SNL news) Rather than answer me directly, you offer no proof, deflect, or answer my question with a question. Yet you stubbornly say you aren’t wrong. Why don’t you answer a question instead of spewing falsehood after falsehood? Well here’s your proof that you are wrong on many points.

1. RMEF doesn’t have an active lobbyist here. Check here. The person mentioned is a land use specialist, not a lobbyist. Check for Rance Block as a lobbyist, check RMEF as an employer of a lobbyist, and you will find nothing. Any private citizen can go to Olympia, or an employee of a company, and speak to reps, senators, and testify in the public comment periods. That doesn’t make them a lobbyist, it makes them a person interested in the issue. I’m not a lobbyist for suppressor manufacturers, I have an interest in them. You are wrong.

2. The CCA earned my wrath because they specifically went for the higher fee bill, and I have been a member of CCA. They testified in support of it. PSA did too. I wasn’t a member of PSA before, probably won’t be either, even though a family member was high up in their organization. I was a member of CCA. I’m not a member of any group Ed Owens lobbies for, and he testified in support of the higher fee bill. He gets a thumbs down. The snowmobilers testified against the senate bill, even though it appears they got their deal. They wouldn’t support Brian’s lower fee bill, so maybe they get a pass, but then again I’ve never been involved in Snowmobiling. (No answer needed)

3. I’d like to know how I place more importance on hunting and firearms than fishing. I was very vocal about my support on the area 4a/b private dive park issue, and Jennings as a whole. I probably worked 40-50 hours behind the scenes tracking down data, talking with senators and reps, and I testified 4 times and was ready to testify a 5th time, but they only allowed my friend from the Makah Tribe to speak. I maybe had 20 hours of effort into the suppressor legislation, and only made the trip once to testify, and once to see the bill signed. The funny thing is, I didn’t have time to go fishing up there last year, and I probably won’t this year, but I certainly worked very hard at laying on the heat on that issue, or set of issues related to Jennings. Jennings specifically knows who I am, as does the chair of the commission, and Phil, as I was in front of them many times. I would say based on time spent in the past two years, more time has been spent on fishing issues, so I would say you are wrong on this point. Please explain why you think you are right.

4. How do I feel differently about gillnetting than everyone else here? I hate it, don’t like it, and wish there was a way we could stop it. I can't change the tribal fishing, neither can you. You think differently how? If you think I’m for it, you are wrong.

5. How do I feel differently about commercial crabbing? I think it is sustainable in the ocean, wish the Tribes had to compete equally with the cowboys and start at the same time, with no special reserve zone. They don’t belong in the sound at all, tribal or commercial. I think you and I see eye to eye here.

6. On commercial fishing, I don’t like Hake or Pollock fishing that catches salmon and halibut destined for Washington waters. I don’t like the lopsided way halibut are managed to the commercials and Alaska. Bank a number of commercial fishermen, part of my job. None of them fish in Puget Sound. Don’t know your specifics on what you don’t like. Don’t know how we feel differently here. Explain.

7. I don’t like the Quinaults overfishing the Chehalis. It is my back yard. I don’t like them overfishing any river. I’ve taken photos of them shooting at sea lions with pellet guns, and posted them here, and forwarded them to enforcement. So does having a good friend who is a Quinault who invites me fishing once per year make me support overfishing by the Quinaults? No. By that association, since you are friends with Brady, and Brady is Brian's brother, you must agree with everything Brian does. (so why are we arguing? wink ) That's a bit of a leap. You are wrong here.

8. Am I so ingratiated to Brian for running the suppressor legislation so much that I will go out of my way to piss off a lot of folks here as a sort of repayment? No. You are wrong here. I’ll send you Brian’s cell phone #, give him a call. Ask him how many times I’ve blasted him on his stance on issues, sometimes even here. Better yet, call Brady. He knows as well. There is no [censored] for tat. I’m pissed of that an organization that I had supported chose to make me spend more money when I already spend hundreds of dollars in license fees for me and the boys, and I get no break for that. I’m pissed at Hatfield for supporting this senate bill without giving partial credit for fees already paid, and he was instrumental to the suppressor legislation passing as well. You are wrong on the t!t for tat conspiracy.

9. You said, “CCA is not in the business of promoting STATE PARK CONSERVATION funding and as I tried to tell you before, they CAN'T, by their own rules and possibly the rules of their charter.” You were wrong here. Not only does the organization that you are supporting have the ability to lobby for State Park Conservation, they did it. Wrong again.

10. You said “Could have??? You mean, CC could have taken a stand (that would be against their own rules to lobby for STATE PARK FUNDING) and still not have saved the day???” They did take a stand, it wasn't against their rules or charter, and they did support the higher fee bill. You were wrong here, again.

11. I am far from gullible, and I’m not a gun nut. I just have a substantial firearm and ammunition collection. Okay, I’m a gun nut wink . I am far from gullible. We'll split this one.

12. RMEF and DU don’t have active lobbyists. They didn’t take a stand. CCA took a stand, for higher fees and no credit given for fees already paid in. If any organization took a stand for higher fees, I would rail against them. (no answer needed)

13. Quite honestly, I wasn’t aware of the Discover Pass issue until it was too late. I work a full time job (50+ hours per week), I’m a husband and dad with two active boys who I actually parent daily (taught my oldest how to fill in potholes a few weeks back, the right way), I work construction on the side, and I have a mini-farm that after 15 months is in the black (with over 120 birds and another 80 or so on the way). So I’ve got a bit of a full plate. Sorry for being a slacker. I usually end my day around 9:30 or 10:00 when I finally get to sit down on the couch and visit with the wife. Until then I'm moving, every day. Do you catch every piece of legislation that affects you in a bad way? Probably not.

If Brian is really trying to scuttle the CCA’s efforts, why didn’t he let me know before all of this happened? I mean, since I am his shill, who blindly follows every direction given. (This is sarcasm for the less intelligent folks here, google the words if you don’t know what "it" means. (shill, sarcasm, is, it))

14. Something Smells Fishy, you said “How could CCA have played ball? By pursuing an issue that has no impact on conservation?” Well, they did, didn’t they? It’s in black & white. Here's your IBS. STFU and let the adults talk here.

15. Dr. Rick, here’s your “WRONG” buzzer, because you said, “I am not expert at CCA but as an involved member I know that CCA was actively involved in mitigating costs by advocating against charging hunting and fishing license holders another fee above the one already paid to "use" public WDFW lands.” You certainly are not an expert because they specifically DIDN’T advocate for mitigating costs charged to hunting and fishing license holders. They specifically supported HIGHER costs and chose not to mitigate the impact. Explain this answer please. Is this some form of new math they teach in med school? Less is more, or is it more is less? (Challenge meant in good humor, with no ill will)

I think I have sincerely answered any questions anyone has had, no matter how pointed they may have been, and rather than answering my questions back, all the CCA supporters have consistently deflected and or avoided my questions.

Marsha, I’m happy that you have chosen to discuss this in a respectful manner. I think of you as a good friend, so I feel it is my duty to keep you from being lead astray. Thanks for not "unfriending" me on Facebook. wink

So to get back to my question to CCA members. Are you happy with CCA's stance on this Discovery Pass issue? If not, have you let them know it? I would if I were you.
"Give me the anger, fish! Give me the anger!"

They call me POODLE SMOLT!

The Discover Pass is brought to you by your friends at the CCA.