Originally Posted By: Dogfish

RMEF doesn't have an active lobbiest in Washington State, neither does DU.
NRA has one guy who covers three states.
PSA, CCA, and Hunters Heritage do have active lobbiests.
Any group that was approached and chose not to act on the house bill loses my support.

Shouldn't the $380 I spend each year in licenses allow me some benefit when it comes the Discovery Pass?
Apparently the PSA and CCA don't think so.

Good grief. 380 dollars in fishing licenses? What part of COASTAL includes hunting?
So where was Ed Owens of Hunters Heritage? (The guy who also reps for commercial fishermen and that tried to kill the commission in 09, using the hunters board members to support the letter to kill the commission.)

Let it be known that neither of your representatives can pass your chosen legislation without the support of CCA and PSA.
An absurd statement to prove the point.

Yes 380 dollars should be more than enough to access any recreational land. Its my fault I only buy a freshwater license. To pay the bills they have to charge someone more. I doubt a reduction for hunters and anglers would have passed the floor. At 71million dollars quoted in the legislation, it would take more than 2,300,000 discovery pass sales to achieve that budget requirement. The idea that my fishing license is enough to cover the costs of WDFW and the use of DNR and parks land is absurd. They stole our funding for boat launch. If they cant get enough money, we be fighting the same battle next year.