Originally Posted By: DBS
Originally Posted By: stlhdr1
Originally Posted By: DBS
Originally Posted By: Jason Beezuz

Polio was pretty much eradicated with vaccines because there was a time before the internet.

Also, Polio was pretty much eradicated with vaccines because people back then put society, patriotic duty, and their family's health before fuckhead traitors like trump, hannity and fvcker carlson.

And the arrogant, I'm vaccinated folks as well. The I won't get sick or go to the hospital, at least 98% chance I won't. But, we are learning those vaccinated can and are spreading the virus to others including others that are vaccinated and their kids...

I'll say it again, mask up my friend. You as the vaccinated could be the reason someone's child get's sick...


I was about to tell you to eat your bullshitt but then I realized you are just ignorant. I still wear a mask indoors and I don't take chances with Covid. Never have.

Forward looking perhaps, you could call it that. The forecasting is being done, the evidence is already showing its self statistically but your calling the CDC ignorant then as this unfolds.

It's time to put the red rubber nose away, clown seasons over.