Originally Posted By: freespool
Oh so now we are talking about coho?
When wild steelhead spawn with hatchery stocks, the return is nearly zero, and with every generation the hatchery genes grow less prevalent, until they disappear.
It's called natural selection, hatchery genes are not suitable for survival in the wild, fish with these genes don't thrive to survive, they just fade away.

No, not specifically about coho, Fall Chinook were noted too.

But as usual you cite your steelhead information.... Sure it's been Catch and Release for them for over 20 years in SW WA and there hasn't been much recovery on wild stocks in most streams.... You want to know why?

Because sportsman of all kinds get to fish for them year in and year out. The only populations that show any recovery are those that don't have consistent fishing pressure such as the Wind river. It being a bug chucking river, there's overall less pressure and less fish being caught/handled throughout the season therefore more fish hitting the spawning beds and less SMOLT being caught and handled which means more SMOLT headed for the ocean.

You shut down SW WA tribs (like the EF of the Lewis for 8 years and it will be climbing with wild winter steelhead. Look at the Toutle River/Green River.. They are....

Point to the story is, if you want wild steelhead recovery. Quit fishing for them and that means CnR too........

It's time to put the red rubber nose away, clown seasons over.