Originally Posted By: Hankster
With all the 'puter knowledge he has I'm surprised Paker hasn't hired him.

This is payback for putting you on a 3-day time out and temporarily removing your 49'ers thread, isn't it? Damn old man, you do hold a grudge! That's just plain old mean and harsh. I thought we were friends. wink

Besides, I only hire UW underclass students. I need to have someone around for a good solid 3 years. Kids finishing up their freshman year make great candidates. I can at least see how they did academically over the last year as it's a good indicator if they will last or not. Don't really care what they know, as I hire more off of character and how well they would interact with the faculty, staff, and students as a whole, rather than some geek that lives in a dark closet and only comes out for more Mountain Dew and to use the head.

You said you have a degree, Nate. What's your degree in Nate and where did you obtain it from?
Tule King Paker