Congratulations Nate. Really, I mean that. You realize however, that a person, who is a better woman than you are a man, has made a significant commitment to you. If you're even half a man, you'll bust your ass to be as good a man as she is a woman. Otherwise, as one of the posts above wrote, you'll just be a married deadbeat instead of a single deadbeat.

You think I'm a hater, but I'm not. I just don't respect deadbeats. I'd like very much for you to be successful. To that end I recommend a long engagement. The time to get married is not while you're telling Katie and us that you're going to "get this figure out," whatever "this" is. The time to get married is after you have figured it out and are already beginning to amount to something. If you really care about her, wouldn't you want her to marry someone who has accomplished something with his life, rather than someone who says he will "figure this out?"

Good luck, and I honestly hope you don't need it.
