Originally Posted By: freespool
The war on the environment is over, suggesting we consider circumventing the ESA just shows what little understanding of how our fisheries are controlled.
The reason why the past recovery efforts on the CR have failed is simple, the federal government will not adhere to their own regulations.

Hey man I'm no bio. I'm not some Keyboard Kommando claiming to be the be-all/end-all when it comes to fisheries management. Just a fisherman asking questions and trying to gain an understanding.

My question was simple. What have the current ESA regs done to enhance recovery?

You answered it.

So if the Feds won't adhere to their own regs what's the point of having them?

Especially if we can focus harvest using selective methods and policies that do less harm to wild fish than the ESA regs do now?
On a long enough timeline the survival rate for everyone drops to zero.