Originally Posted By: Salmo g.
Originally Posted By: StinkingWaters
Although as I stated before I am not specifically talking about the LCR situation.

Are there not other fisheries that are regulated by hatchery harvest quotas that could stand to benefit from from non-treaty commercials using selective gear types?

I have no idea what limits the commercial fleet in say,..... the Chehalis. Would this type of gear use stand to benefit that watershed?


There might be, but I'm not coming up with much off the top of my head. If there is a case where wild chinook or coho are co-mingled with far more abundant hatchery salmon of those species, then yes. But in the cases that I can think of where that usually occurs, the commercial harvest is by treaty fisheries, which so far seem resistant to selective harvest methods.

As for Gray's Harbor/Chehalis, I don't know what limits the commercial fleet (including treaty), because it doesn't seem to be the availability of surplus production, this year being the slight exception.


Thank you Salmo.

So if I am reading you correctly it would only make sense to have selective harvest in an area that consisted of co-mingled species with an abundance of hatchery fish as compared to wild. I assume the reason for this is what Todd detailed in a previous post about hooking 10 wild fish to bonk your 2 hatchery fish and why we had the ability to harvest wild coho in Grays Harbor this year. That sorts out the sporties but I have a question about the commies.

If the ultimate goal of the wild retention rule in GH is to lessen the impacts on wild fish then what of the impacts of gillnets in the Harbor? Wouldn't the wild vs. hatchery catch rates of the commies lean heavily towards wild and ultimately mitigate any of the potential benefits of the sport policy?

Does anybody out there know what the commercial fleet in GH is limited by?

Doc maybe you could chime in on this one?

Sorry if I am behind the curve here, just trying to come away with a better understanding.
On a long enough timeline the survival rate for everyone drops to zero.