When this thread started, it was more of the same, regurgitated crap we have been slinging around for months on this topic. As it has progressed, however, I have seen some signs that suggest the two sides may be getting a bit closer to an understanding on the issues at hand, which is encouraging.

My two cents:

- The current test fisheries will benefit wild fish by removing more hatchery fish from the spawning redds.
- In this case, sportfishing will likely suffer.
- The same number of wild salmon (not steelhead) will die in these fisheries as would in a gillnet fishery
- This would seem like a lost battle, but I should think that if these methods prove effective at significantly reducing wild mortality per contact, they will be implemented in other fisheries that are NOT managed to ESA impacts, and in those fisheries, they should prove to be wins for wild fish and sportfishers alike.

In other words, we may need to lose this battle in the short term to win the war in the long term.