Originally Posted By: Salmo g.

It's scientific in that there are data on mortality rates by fishing method. There is ESA recovery potential if managers chose to use the reduced mortality for recovery. However, no mention has been made about allocating the mortality savings to recovery. Every agency statement issued has mentioned increased harvest of hatchery fish.

Angler CPUE will decrease due to reduced average salmon abundance in the pool. By how much, I don't know, and it's variable.


If the removal of hatchery fish from the gene pool is the desired result, why wouldn't the use of excluder's at the dam and Willamette Falls work even better?
LCR tribs could adapt a more liberal sport bag limit, traps and weirs could remove even more hatchery fish.
This would achieve a lower level of hatchery wild interaction, and it wouldn't screw the LCR sport fishing fleet out of existence..