Originally Posted By: Lead Bouncer
Its sound like you dont want hatchery fish. Selective harvest is only going enable hatchery production. Therefore you dont want selective harvest. That could fit the agenda of a few other people.

Am I close or should I hit the river and try again?

No, what I'm saying is it doesn't matter what your group (CCA) does in the LCR. Even if "selective" harvest was implemented it won't do [censored] except take hatchery fish from the sportsman for the time being. Sooner than later you'll realize that hatchery fish are the problem and they will slowly be taken away. Sucks but true... So let us harvest on the wild populations that can sustain it... CR SUMMER KINGS, LEWIS RIVER BRIGHTS.... Ironically you're group has supported stopping this...

You ever actually meet Gary Loomis? He's a much different guy now than he was in his younger years... He's all about protecting the wild fish and those fall kings are his pet fish...

It's time to put the red rubber nose away, clown seasons over.