Originally Posted By: Lucky Louie

I suggest that the highly contested---” gill net VS selective live capture gear equals no ESA listed saving” is incorrect and that 50 % ESA listed can be saved by using the new selective capture gear.

one of the guiding principals for the wdfw is the new Hatchery and Fishery Reform policy http://wdfw.wa.gov/commission/policies/c3619.html, one of the guiding principals in that is the 21st Century Salmon and Steelhead Initiative http://wdfw.wa.gov/publications/00036/draft_framework_20090131.pdf, now, for some unknown reason your thinking that gillnets are going away and we are going to a total new commercial harvest method and i`d have to ask "where did you wish you heard that" ?, i`d suggest that you ask who ever it was that told you that why the 21st century initiative calls for having a net drop out study done by the year 2040 is there that much drop out in purse seines or beach seines ?, plus, do you realy think the non-tribal commercials are going to give up harvesting upriver brights ??, i dont.