Originally Posted By: Snake Pliskin
Nick, at 44 you're thinking about "pumping out a spawn or two"? Nice, when you're getting your hip replaced 20 years from now, they can stop by and see you before they graduate from HS. Your kids' friends will ask if you are their grandfather.

And the new gal's ex? A cool dude to hang out with? If they were cool they wouldn't have split with the gal. Here's how it goes....they don't pay child support or if they do, it's late. They pull dick moves constantly and the ones who get the shaft are usually the kids. Believe me, I know.

I know it too and have also been there and done that. That's why there is no in-between the spec limits. The high end, while exceptionally rare, does exist.
“If the military were fighting for our freedom, they would be storming Capitol Hill”. – FleaFlickr02