
Don't want to use this forum to talk numbers, but there were over 50 native winter steelhead trucked above the dam, during 2022-2023.

You have to understand the ground rules for the fish trap control was written when TCL took over control of the Wynoochee Dam in the early 1990's, and TLC has followed the rules.

The problem, that I see, is the decline of Native Winter Steelhead never got to be seen as a problem until after 2010+.

So for over 30 years, and maybe longer, Native steelhead have been trucked above the dam. Maybe some spawn and smolt make it thru the dam, and maybe return as adults......BUT FOR SURE THE PARENTS NEVER GOT THE CHANCE TO MAKE IT BACK TO THE OCEAN, TO MAYBE MAKE SPAWNING RUNS AGAIN.

Put salmon above the dam, put the hatchery steelhead above the dam, but for heaven sakes have a different plan for Native steelhead.

Oh, as a last comment on the Wynoochee Dam and the lake and stream that runs into the lake.........This should be open for fishing year around!!!!
"Worse day sport fishing, still better than the best day working"

"I thought growing older, would take longer"