Collecting the kinds of information we all would like to see on the success or failure of wild brood stock is expensive to get. The best information would be reliable information on contribution to the catch (creel census) and escapement (hatchery rack and wild spawning counts).

I have not seen that sort of complete information anywhere. The best info I have seen was on the Sol Duc where the guides had an early return wild broodstock. In the first 8 years or so of that program the State had a full-blown creel census on the recreational fishery and the tribal catches were also monitored. At that time the normal early timed hatchery fish and those brood stocks had different catches. With that information it was possible to compare the contribution of those wild broodstock to the fisheries (recreational and tribal) and the contribution of the normal early timed hatchery fish (Chambers). Return rate to those catches were consistently higher for those early timed fish than that of the wild broodstock.
