Sheesh I see all the players here but no counterpoints at all?!? Wassup with that?
I asked a number of questions but no answers? Might as well add to it. You do know that the removal of the Tokul Creerk barrier will not result in any increase in chinook spawner return until downstream limiting factors significantly change...thus until then there would be zero contribution to chinook the changes demanded by WT will only cost significant taxpayer dollars if implemented with zero results until the downstream factors are changed. This is called putting the cart before the horse. Looks good in print but the reality is that it doesn't address the real issues. At the same time the huge majority of recreational fishers are being alienated from real recovery and conservation by such actions. Thanks a bunch Washington Trout. I will be one of the first to point out your errors and first to point out where you are doing some good. rolleyes laugh