lTlcleo my good friend the real sadness is that for many of the listed runs that occur within the most altered ecosysytems within Puget Sound there will never be anything but a museum piece run that occurs for the nonfisher to take succor in. Without people fishing then there will be little other incentive for politicians and taxpayers to support the presence of any more than just that....something for the masses to "ooh" and "ahh" at in their satisfied ignorance. Salmon will always have to live within the reality of the political arena. As fishers aka harvestors(including cnr) we can choose to stand and fight for the salmon in that arena or we can choose to join the masses in the seats to "ooh" and "ahh." Washington Trout by their actions is forcing the more than vast majority of fishers into those very same seats and that is the concern I have tried to address within this thread. I simply don't want to be part of the crowd in the seats.

D@mmit Greg you sure do cause me to hang out on the river below the cabin a lot these days....not fishen just alot of thinking rolleyes laugh !