There seems to be one thing wrong with this discusion.We seem to be arguing to the effect the salmon are only here for our selfish reasons.They are a large part of the eco system and if we keep managing towards the fishermens gains the rest of the delicate balance could be dealt a blow more severe than we realy want to think about.In my head any more it is not about being able to fish it is maintaining the balance for the rest of the evergrowing circle to keep working!

I have not been convinced as of yet that the hatcheries and there fish are doing that much harm but the politics that come with these fish certainly is.There are alot of fisheries open based on non existant hatch fish,doing nothing but harm to the wild stock.This is an expense that scares me.

There will always be a need for hatchery suplements.But do not fool yourself into thinking that hatchery fish to bonk can replace wild fish in the big picture.I am afraid generations will regret that kind of selfishness.

smile smile