Originally Posted By: NickD90
Originally Posted By: FleaFlickr02

I think we should start a new petition to ban all fans that take opposing players' antics personally from being fans... to salvage whatever's left of our respectability as fans.

Close. There is a new petition going around to prevent Seahawks fans from creating petitions (for real). doh

That is some fans. As a Hawks fan since the 90s, I find myself getting more and more annoyed with the new fans. Some of them are so dumb it makes my head hurt. A lot of them seem to have never played sports nor followed sports ever in their lives and they are making us all look bad.

I fuckin hate Cam but so what, I hate lots of athletes and other folks, that's normal for most people and most people don't make petitions about it. Nor even think about it. These new fans are [Bleeeeep!] pussys and whiners.
Maybe he's born with it.

Maybe it's amphetamines.