Kam on the trading block?

Just saw a piece that suggested that Kam to the Skins is a possibility. Tried to past link here but could not. The trade speculated that we would swap 2nds and get the Skins 4th. This maybe good value for Kam coming off a down year. Thoughts?

I was horribly unimpressed with Kam last year, and I think the entire secondary had an off year because of him (and, of course, that free agent mistake). Unless Kam promises no hold out and no shenanigans this off season, I am in favor of trading him now, while he has value. Otherwise, there is a good chance he gets cut before the season.

Edited by Sol Duc (03/10/16 12:27 PM)
He who joyfully marches in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would suffice.

- Albert Einstein.