One Way.
Maybe you have been in Marin county too long.
I've spent much time pursuing big game in all of the western states.
The resentment in general for Californians is nearly universal.
Once they get to know you it may change, but like it or not, people judge based on geographic generalities .(The lefties here as well)

Spend a little time on the rocky mountain based hunting boards, you will feel the rub in a hurry.

Until you prove that you are not a flaming homosexual socialist freak (which many assume based on generalities) you definatley recieve a cold shoulder.

California plates are like a scarlet letter.

I have a place in Central Oregon and family there as well, same thing, they hate us for "all the money we make" (yeah right) raising their real estate prices and our (perceived) overall way of life.

The red state blue state thing baffles many lefties who look at the world through utopian eyes.
Completley different cultures.
I was picking my kid up from school the other day and he commented on how different things are here compared to where we vacationed.

As far as raising my son, I don't want him to dislike someone because they have different beliefs, but to embrace those who threaten his way of life?
Ain't gonna happen.

There is a right and wrong and I don't mean from a religious standpoint.

There are ramifications for dressing like a slob and tatooing and piercing your entire body,for spewing foul language and disrespecting authority.
I've raised him to believe the cops are the good guys (having brothers as cops helps), the thugs & wannabe gangstas & dope peddlers are the bad guys, that there are rewards for hard work and that there is no free lunch.

I have personally have never had problems as a nonresident hunter, but have friends that have had vehicles vandalized with "Go Home" carved on the hood of the truck.

When I hunt out of state the very first thing I do is remove my front license plate .
You would not believe the difference it makes.
Many locals won't even give a courtesy wave if they see the Cali plates.

I dislike the resentment but can understand why when my kid comes home from school saying that he cannot even share his awesome hunting adventures with but one best friend because hunting is so controversial here.
He once had a teacher repremand him for swatting a fly!... No Bullschitt.
She said "in my classroom we don't kill things".
Yes I get frustrated.

"Paint with a broad brush?"

Read any of Todd or KK's posts?
