Originally Posted By: Chuck E
As a 4th generation Washintonian, I approve Salmo g's message. Yep , I could be considered an old hippy also since I haven't had a haircut in 10 years .

It ain't what's "ON" the skull that makes a hippie as my late friend Jimmy would attest to.

I do have some hippies in my family.
One female in particular, Oregon native.
She used to look like sasquatch, hairy armpits, greasy hair, hairy legs , the heavy stench of patchulli oil , utopian world beliefs, peace signs on everything she owns, the whole tie die [censored], smokes weed daily, hates guns , hunting & meateaters and mostly republicans.
Having to sit across the table from that beast at family functions for 17 years and be civil gives me the right to bitch.

I LOL at these California stereotypes.

Man that thread I started got heated.


Feelin the love yet?

What a buncha shiat.
You guys seen my pics.
You know my gig.
I guess the stereotype will live on forever.

This state is 770 miles long.
Throughout it's range we have it all.
You name it we got it.
Big rugged country, highest peak in the lower 48 in fact.
Wide open spaces.
Beautiful trout , salmon & steelhead streams.
Filthy polluted stinkwater.
Beautiful wilderness.
Ugly barren wasteland.
Jam packed shoulder to shoulder urban areas that make you wish your doctor's last name was Kevorkian.
It's all right here.
Billionaire businessmen, movie stars, drug dealers, gangsters, yuppies, vegans, rednecks, hippies, axe murderers, child molesters, good ole boys, illegal aliens (by the shitload) and lots of honest hard working folks just trying to get by.

Sure plenty of freaks abound here and yes, I'm prolly the exception to the rule.
(yeah right)

Guess that's why I feel so at home in the rockies.
The country I hunt in Cali kicks my ass a whole lot more than Wyoming does.
I laugh at those flat land midwesterners that lambaste us Cali boys.
These boys huff & puff trying to ascend a baseball mound, sit in a treestand or a heated groundblind waiting for a buck to come to the cornflinger then go on and on about how physically demanding their hunt was.

While in Wyoming last month, I spoke with a game warden.
he said to me,"You know, year in & year out I see you Cali boys come in here and for the most part you guys are among the most successful of the non residents that hunt here."
I took that as a high compliment.
I've threatened to leave several times in my life, I have a great wife, I live in the country, make a good living and have found out how to make lemonade out of lemons.

Actually, in real life I'm pretty tolerant of folks with other beliefs .

Once in a while I just gotta vent.

Party on Wayne.....
