
You make a few good points!

But take that moment, and THINK about it again; when was the last time that YOU took the time, or made the effort, to even read, or do any discovery work, on what your rights to fish really were?

Have you done your same homework on why our fish runs have taken such a rapid decline in the last 5 years? Have you attended all those "public" meetings that decisions are being made i.e. harvest, growth management, relicensing, etc, etc, etc? I hope you have, because I am getting burned out! Keep up your enthusiasm!

I have spent years working with many different environmental attorneys, state attorneys, and federal attorneys, and I have came to the conclusion; they don?t really know $hit until you put your finger in their nose and led them to the "water". I personally know of only one attorney that really gives a $hit about our fish, and believe me, we at times have debated the "law" like you would not believe!

He is "the best attorney" that I have ever dealt with, bar none!

Disagreement is healthy. It has made America what it is today. Remember this; even "rights" can be "stopped" for a short period, but we have a court system that can correct that problem too!

Is the taste of the bait worth the sting of the hook????

Is the taste of the bait worth the sting of the hook????