you know whats psychotic about democrats?

the fact that they think that Trump "colluded with Russia to win the election"...

how? by releasing emails? i mean REAL emails? things that were actually said? the ousting of another candidate so Hillary had a better chance of winning?

i mean, its not like he got some ex spy, to make up a bunch of fake sh!t, to illegally obtain access to spying on another candidate...

its not like he got the media to spread lies for 2 years either....

Assange is a god send, he opened the eyes of millions of people to the corruptness of the democratic party, and now that he will be in court, if he survives, i hope he exposes the source of his obtaining of documents, and i really hope it ends up like somewhere like China doing it....

Assange is the king of all hackers, and always has been....

and John McAfee, even if he is a nut, is up there as well.... you should have listened when he said, if anything points towards Russia doing it, it wasnt Russia at all.... because thats how good they are....

but nah, they will just listen to the bullsh!t CNN spews, even if its wrong, and say its right, even if its wrong, again and again....

see a pattern here?
