"Retard Trump thinks tariffs are a remedy to the trade imbalance. That's because he was too busy back in college being a twat and spending all his daddy's money to study international trade and economic policy."

As retarded as Trump may be, I'm pretty sure he's using tariffs as a strong-arm tactic to get people to the negotiating table NOT as a longer-term, trade-imbalance solution. It's one of the only levers he's got, so he pulled it. Seems to be getting him more action on the subject than asking "pretty please" with no results as previous presidents (both R & D) have done. Getting Mexico's attention on the Asylum highway issue as well. If congress would quit their fighting and bitching and actually start working together and with the president I'm sure we could have much more refined solutions (i.e. real trade policy and immigration reform).

But hey, throwing dogshite at each other is much more fun!
. . . and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and have dominion over the fish of the sea . . .