Gotta say, though, that I was personally pretty convinced Trump was conspiring with Russia when he stood alongside Putin in Helsinki and told the world his intelligence officials were wrong about Russia being behind the election tampering. That was, to say the least, more than a bit unconventional behavior for a US President, and now that we KNOW Russia was behind it, and Trump still refuses to call out Putin, tells me there might be a little flame under all that smoke.

Also, having read the Mueller Report, Keith will know that Mueller very clearly states in the report that "collusion" is not a prosecutable crime. What he sought to prove or disprove was whether the Trump campaign had engaged in CONSPIRACY (a very prosecutable crime) with Russia. He determined the evidence wasn't sufficient to prove conspiracy (not that he believed none occurred). Nobody besides the Trump legal team ever cared about "collusion," so let's stop using that misleading, minimizing term as long as we're discussing the Mueller Report and what it actually says, cool?