Originally Posted By: gooybob
Originally Posted By: stam
Why would you say something as dumb as Slo D?

Or.....maybe you're not just playing dumb anymore.

Either way...it still suits you.

Hank and Sol Dic are living in Trump's alternate reality. What is isn't and what isn't is.

We are all living in an alternate reality. I call it the South Park dimension.

Trump’s president (I could stop here but won’t. Feel free to jump to last sentence if not interested in my ranting).

A Ukrainian comedian, who plays the president on tv, became president with 70% of the vote.

Boys aren’t really boys.

Babies aren’t really babies.

Terrorists should vote.

Rich white kids yelling at black folks to “Shutthefuckup” aren’t racists because they dress in all black.

Some folks are racists because of their skin color while others are not.

Seattle is a beautiful city.

Those who didn’t go to college should pay for those who did.

Fat people aren’t fat and suggesting they diet is sexual assault.

Some people did some thing to some Easter worshipers.

Notre Dame was built on the blood of French colonialism despite the fact it’s 500 years older then French colonialism.

A 17hmr is an assault rifle.

All women should be believed all the time unless they accuse my tribe then they shouldn’t.

Jews are Natzis.

Broward county Florida still exists.

Homeland security still exists.

Privacy is super important but yay I got a like on Facebook.

The national debt is 22+trillion and nobody cares. Yay free sh!t and/or tax cuts.

The world will end in 11 1/2 years.


An 80 year old millionaire communist is the front runner to face off against Trump for POTUS 2020.
"Government does not solve problems; it subsidizes them." Ronald Reagan

"The trouble with Socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money." Margaret Thatcher.

"How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don't think." Adolf Hitler