I'd argue the logical thinkers are the ones who felt obligated to read the report before drawing conclusions (and posts here seem to indicate that the bias we all carried prior to downloading the report persisted after reading it). Perhaps unfortunately, whether or not we choose to admit it, we are all emotional beings, and our emotions do influence our thinking. It only becomes especially problematic when tribalism takes hold, as it has in our country today. It's reached a point where folks on both sides who are generally logical and plenty intelligent are rationalizing things they never would have thought permissable before now, simply because there's no middle ground; it's all occupied by zealots of one stripe or the other.

I think producing a Venn diagram of how we all feel about specific issues our country needs to address would be a prudent exercise, because it would remind us how much more we share in common as Americans than we differ as Republicans or Democrats. The way we talk these days, you'd swear we were different species competing for the same food source. The discourse needs to change....