Mueller was never going to stand up and yell that Trump should be impeached. That's up to Congress. He gave them (and confirmed yesterday) all the evidence they should need to impeach on the basis of obstruction in his report. That's why he kept referring questions with damning answers back to the report. He did his job, just as he has always done. The real reason Trump isn't being impeached is that under that wonderful two-party system Hank loves so much, impeachment instantly alienates something close to half the electorate, right along party lines. Last time it was attempted, it backfired on the Republicans, and Pelosi is probably right to assume this would come out no different.

So what we've learned is that, largely because our bought and paid for Congress has become utterly feckless, presidential power is essentially unchecked and unlimited. Since under the Constitution only Congress has authority to check on the President, the President is now, officially, above the law. Furthermore, the terminal gridlock in Congress assures us the only action being taken in Washington will be by executive order from here on out.

We are an elected monarchy. Hank is happy....