Originally Posted By: FleaFlickr02
Anyone notice how much less acrimonious and more thoughtful this discussion became as soon as people who HAVE read the report (and have different opinions) started commenting? Maybe there's something to that. We keep this up, we might start to realize we're still the same people, D or R, that we were before this all started, and we really agree on about 80% of everything. That 20% is hell, for sure, but people in this country need to remember how many values and hopes we share in common, rather than focusing on the issues that divide us and will eventually bring us to ruin if we let them. Let's stop letting perfect be the enemy of the good, because good is the best we can hope for, and I'm pretty sure if we went straight left or straight right, we'd get a lot wrong, either way.

There's two types of thinkers in my book, Logical and Emotional.

Logical tends to lean towards Republican and Emotional towards the Democrats.

As a extremely logical thinking person, one should feel dirty when they let their emotions get involved in conversation and discussions. I see it here all the time. Sure the name calling is entertaining at times but many of you are irrational and emotional thinkers and that smears you from the truth. Emotional thinkers tend to find a way to be right albeit stretching the truth...

It's time to put the red rubber nose away, clown seasons over.