Originally Posted By: Steelheadman
Mueller made a public statement today about the investigation and resigned. Left the door open on impeachment or arrest and conviction when he is out of office. Couldn't charge Trump because of a longstanding DOJ legal position... “says the Constitution requires a process other than the criminal justice system to formally accuse a sitting president of wrongdoing,” Mueller said. . “If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so,” Mueller declared. Mueller Speaks

I watched Mueller’s short speech yesterday and was quite amazed by his appearance. It looked like he was on the final 13th step onto the gallows platform with bag ready to be put over his head---rope around his neck--- and ready to drop.

Click the link provided above and look at the picture of Mueller--- as they say a picture is worth a thousand words.

When Trump gave Barr authority to declassify as he sees fit for transparency to the American people, it was written and stated by many, that many in DC will not be sleeping easily and Mueller’s picture looks like the poster child that fits that description along with stuttering throughout-- while reading his speech.

He knows this could be his last stand to finally get Trump out of power to attempt to save his own neck and the ilk around him---hence the attempted Russian/Trump collusion hoax continues-- he hopes, but Mueller’s face and actions shows defeat and he looks like it is the end of the line most serial criminals face.

With Mueller out of authoritative power, along with his partners of crime of Comey, Brennan, Clapper and Rosenstein and dozens of others who are also out on the street as well--- as the field of swamp creatures dwindle slowly but surely the cover ups of these traitors past secrets will unfold.

History will not look kindly upon these infamous traitors.

Next up---Barr’s turn.

Edited by Lucky Louie (05/30/19 10:14 AM)
The world will not be destroyed by those that are evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything.- Albert Einstein

No you can’t have my rights---I’m still using them