Thanks Spooled,Dan and I were batting clean-up that day,We don't mind that way we let everyone else make the excuses.

RT :p "But Os and 'Yall couldn't get a bite in F2, where all stories had it being easy for most Oreos to catch fish from the S. Santiam that day; with good water conditions and fish there. So, you saw how well the Wassies do outside their own state. Let's see how well they do in the neutral river; if they have the nards to show up on 4/13."

for the record we did get a few" bites" and the way I saw it a Lot more oregoons didn't catch those so called easy fish than us 2 Washington studs laugh

I accept you challenge for B-ball....better bring you're Buttt donut wink first to 11 ,make it take it , gotta win by 2.....bring Stewy......Os
[/b]The less I give a [Bleeeeep!] the happier I am[/b]