Originally Posted By: Todd
Tuesday: 5,700 confirmed cases in the USA.

Thursday: 13,159 confirmed cases in the USA.

We had a few weeks of watching other countries manage this, and our "10 out of 10" response showed that we learned exactly zero.

We're on the exact same trajectory as China, Iran, and Italy...it's about to get a LOT worse.

If Washington State were a country, it would rank 8th in the world in deaths due to Covid-19.

Fish on...


Looks like there are at least two other Senators that got on the gravy train, Loeffler and Feinstein.

If any of them had classified information, and they used it to make financial decisions, that may be illegal...and in any event, it is super lame optics to be making money on the back of this.

The worst part, at least from Burr and Loeffler, is that they were telling the American people that everything is fuckin great, when they had just received intelligence that it was not, and was not going to be for a while...then dumped their stocks and ran, and then the stock market ateshit.

Lied to keep the market up, then sold.

That's no better than any other looting...shoot'em on sight.

Fish on...


Team Flying Super Ditch Pickle