Originally Posted By: RabidAngler
Norm MacDonald is the greatest comedian that ever lived. There I said it. Taking nothing away from Carlin,Pryor and Murphy.

I wouldn't go that far, but he's top 6 in my book. Comparing old school (Bruce, Pryor, Rickles, Dangerfield, Rivers, Carlin et al.) to mid school (later Carlin, Murphy, Martin, Kinnison, Hicks, Wright, early Norm, Seinfeld et al.) to new school (Chappelle, Later Norm, Burr, O'Neil et al)…..right now.....for my money, the best I've ever seen is modern Chappelle. What he's doing on stage is nearly impossible, simple incredible and I firmly believe he's the ONLY person alive that can pull it off and get away with it in these modern PC / SJW / Me Too / Cancel Culture Times. He's a mix of the social conscientious mix of Carlin with the hilarity of Norm and the biting humor of Burr. He threads the needle like no other and people simply adore him for it. His last couple of specials are just ridiculously good. Nobody can touch Dave. He cannot be cancelled. Chit....Kevin Hart got straight up cancelled and he's easily the highest earning Comedian going.
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