Originally Posted By: Evo
if you had an extra 1 or 2k you could play with, what stock would you invest it in right now...

Well, I'm not going to give out all of my insider trading secrets, but generally speaking I like to buy low and sell high. Now would be a good time to double down on your existing stocks.

Ok, fine. Americans love coffee and movies. Both sectors got hammered by COVID 19. Both will open again and Americans, being as stupid as we are, will all forget about social anything and be right back to patronizing those establishments.


You're welcome.

Originally Posted By: Evo
buying 30 shares of 50 dollar stock to make maybe 1k isnt something i want to do

You don't want to make money? Odd.

Generally speaking, I want to make money when I invest.

Originally Posted By: Evo
i want to buy 10 dollar stock and have it go up to 100....

Oh, that's all you want?

Here are my two recommendations:

Time the Market. Someone of your great knowledge should easily be able to do this.

Invest in the: Cure for Cancer, Alzhiemers, and COVID-19. Ok, invest in the pot industry right before the Feds make it legal in all states and when banks can take their money.

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