Landed a lot of them,many come unbuttoned at the bank. I C&R all of them because I'm not a fan of striper really. 90% come on plugs ,I use swim baits and bucktails as well.
Mostly I use topwater plugs when conditions dictate and I would say 75% of my fish come on some type of floating /diving plugs ,my favorite being an SP minnow from Daiwa .
I also fish JoeBaggs lures,in surf thats mild or shallow bars as it doesn't dive as deep. A lot of folks use Lucky Craft plugs but they are twice as expensive and don't yield any better results.
For surface plugs I fish red head /white body 6 inch cotton cordell pencil poppers, White Zara Super Spooks ,and Rebel Jumpin Minnows.
Fish traps swimbaits and the like catch many a striper. Watch John Skinner on youtube,he's an east coast guy and he's a highliner when it comes to Bluefish,Striped Bass,and False Albacore. I want to visit there someday and fish for those Bluefish,they are bruiser fish ,and the albies are insane. BIG stripers over there,and the populations are tenfold the fish we have on the pacific coast.