Originally Posted By: Streamer
If you consider a c-grade zing funny you are really struggling. You want to know what’s actually funny? On July 4th at 8:33pm instead of watching fireworks, going to a party, getting laid, or stuffing yourself with various tasty morsels, you were posting on the darkside. At best, you were at a party somewhere in a corner posting on the darkside like a social recluse. But want to know what it most likely was? You staying home glued to your computer like the loser you are because no woman wants sex from a midget and no people like you enough to want to hang out with you. I’m sure that it sucks not only being a runt but a social runt as well.

You can kick it with me next year if you want. If you are nice you are welcomed into the group. If you indulge your inferiority complex acting big, bad, or trying to be smart then you will make great entertainment as the clown you really are.
You know Streamer,whatever your real name is,I would like to make a few observations from this post. Number one that zinger was right between the eyes,it was too easy yes,but then again so are you.

Also,making fun of people on here due to things they have zero control over is what is C grade.

You also act like anyone wants to go to some bbq get together with you,as if you're the fkn socialite of the year,get over yourself. Finally,pretty sure Dan has a family,and I am guessing he has gotten plenty of ass in his lifetime. Like whether or not someone gets laid determines their value anyway.