While visiting Scotland George decided to visit a rustic looking Pub. He ordered up some ale and sat down at the bar next to a man who appeared to be very disappointed with life. The man looked up at George and just started talking. My name is Lonnie McDonald, Ya see this bar is is the finest bar in all of Scotland? I built this bar with my own two hands. I cut down the walnut tree selected just the right grain. Then I shaped it, sanded it and finished it. Do they call me McDonald the bar builder? No!!

Ya see that stone wall in the courtyard? It is the strongest most perfect stone wall in all of Scotland. I built that wall with my own two hands. I cut the stones to shape brought them here and mixed the perfect morter. Then I built it to perfection. Do they call me McDonald the wall builder? No!!

Ya see that magnificient sailboat out in the harbor? I abuilt that boat with my own two hands. I selected and cut just the right trees. I carved them to size and mixed a perfect sealent of pine tar. It is the most seaworthy boat in all of Scotland. Do they call me McDonald the boat builder? No!!

But ya get too drunk one night and f**k one goat and what are ye forever known as??