If AK and BC stopped intercepting fish today, how long would it take for WA and the tribes to manage us right back to where we are today? I don't think it would take long.

Today, you can plan a trip up north and know that it won't be suddenly closed or that it won't be dialed down to catch and release. If intercepts stopped and an additional 300k kings swam into our waters, would we have that kind of dependable fishery in WA? Would we have liberal limits and be able to schedule a yearly trip with family/friends? Could you count on Elliot Bay opening again?

I wouldn't put my money on it! I think even if we had every fish destined for our rivers, we would still be severely constrained. It's too bad because I think we should be able to expect a consistent share of those fish.

The tribes have control of this state, the recs are just a nuisance. They've already gone their separate way with regards to Puget Sound. It won't be long before they thumb their noses at any suggested season and just do what they want. The state can put their foot down and it won't make a difference. I wouldn't be surprised if in the future we have to buy a tribal permit to go catch one of "their" fish!!

I don't look at AK and BC as taking our fish, I look at it as an opportunity to go catch our fish before the tribes get their greedy little fingers on them. I pay to raise them, I pay for habitat and I pay for management, I'll continue to go north and catch a few of what I payed for.