
At the time of the ESA listing decision for Puget Sound Chinook in the late 1990s all natural populations downstream of natural impassable barriers were included in the list. Thus the Cushman fish were included.

An interesting side note was it was also decide to include the naturalize Chinook above the Granite Falls (an impassable barrier before laddering in the 1950s) on the South Fork Stillaguamish and above Sunset Falls (another impassable barrier before the trap and haul operation was started again in the 1950s). The rationale was that those naturalized population were in effect mitigation for lost habitat elsewhere in the basin. Assuming the feds/co-managers will continue to use that thinking I would not hold my breath until a delisting of Cushman fish.

Under current conditions and ESA take regulations the State had no choice other than closing Cushman and the other waters were ESA juvenile or adult Puget Sound Chinook are present and where ESA take protection was provided under the co-managers Puget Sound Chinook management plan. Halibut and ling cod fisheries were allowed because that ESA take protection was provided under the Puget Sound ESA listed rockfish plan.
