heres the returns...

2015 the NO COHO YEAR: 6145

2014: 4392

2013: 6658

2012: 5338

2011: 7218

2010: 1143

2009: 7481

2008: 6263

2007: 10992

2006: 9575

2005: 24209

so 10 years ago, the runs were quite a bit larger, but they werent netting it as hard as they do now either, also, if you read into the agreement posted, they are going to net "winter chum" into January, last year there were NO Chum around on the upper river, same with the year before, and the year before... they are netting the B run Silvers that are going up river, not the Chum, in January....

also, on the numbers, what you dont see because i didnt add it, is that normally, even on the lower years, they spawn around 12-1700 Coho to get their egg take, last year, they spawned 3635 for a 2.7 million eggtake, much larger than the 1.1 to 1.6 million they have taken the last 10 years, why? whos going to pay to raise those fish? whos going to get to fish for them?

as you can also see, even after the nasty ass flood of 2009, the runs pretty much stayed in the same range, so they cant use that as a reason....