CCA put out a statement yesterday:

I know this has been covered before (and even in this thread)...but I am wondering if somebody can dumb it down for me wink ...

Assuming the charts are correct, WHY are the tribes harvesting more than their allotted 50%?

My very rough (likely incorrect) understanding is that sporties are reaching the ESA impact limit before harvesting the allotted 50% of fish, leaving fish on the table for the tribes to harvest (in addition to their 50%).

And since tribal nets catch everything (are non-selective), they by nature are impacting more ESA fish to get to their allotment.

If those assumptions are true, why do tribes get to keep harvesting til they get their allotment while we do not?

Which begs the secondary question I need a dumbed-down answer for...historically, *in practice*, how do ESA and tribal treaty rights relate to each other? This was also discussed previously but the answer remains murky to me.

Thanks in advance.